Thursday, September 16, 2010

CVS Quickie

Here's a quick quide to CVS (Concurrent Version System)...

Checkout:  cvs co myproj

Update:   cvs update

Import a Project:   cvs import -m "message" myproj -releasetag -vendortag

Find out Modifications:   cvs diff -c

Read the log:   cvs log logfilename

Create a tag:   cvs tag -c mytag

Delete a tag:   cvs tag -d mytag

Commit changes:   cvs commit -m file1 file2

Add directories:   cvs add dirname

Remove Files:   cvs remove filename

Add Files:   cvs add filename

Create Branch:   cvs tag -b branchname

Merging Branches:   cvs update -kk -j branchname

More to come...

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IBM Base ClearCase Quickie

Here's a quick reference for IBM Base ClearCase...

Create a VOB:   cleartool mkvob -tag vob-tag -stgloc -auto

Create a dynamic view:   cleartool mkview -tag atag  storage-location

Delete a dynamic view:   cleartool rmview -tag atag

Create a snapshot view:   cleartool mkview -snapshot -tag atag -stgloc -auto apathname

Delete a snapshot view:    cleartool rmview apathname

Checkout an element:   cleartool co anelement

List all checkouts of elements:    cleartool lsco anelement

Checkin an element:   cleartool ci anelement

Uncheckout an element:    cleartool unco anelement

Present Working View:    cleartool pwv

See contents of config-spec:    cleartool  catcs
Edit a config-spec:    cleartool edcs

Information of an element:    cleartool describe anelement
More to come...

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Project BG - Day 2 Robin Hood

Today we search for the latest movie "robin hood". Here's the screenshot.

Google displays related news as topmost results, while Bing puts up theater showtimes near your location.

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Project BG - Day 1

Project BG is a special 365-day project in which I compare search results for a query using Bing and Google in a split screen format.

Observe the differences side by side and judge the search quality yourself. Starting today, I'd like to put up a daily comparison screenshot for the next 1 yr or so. This can help you analyse the strengths and weaknesses of both the search engines.

I plan to compare results for a variety mix of queries. For instance - movies, musicians, recipes, locations, reviews, products, books, math, word lookups, games, science and obscure topics etc... Hope you guys like it.

Lets start the Day 1 with a location query - "new york city". God! am in love with this city :))


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Monday, April 19, 2010

How to block someone in Facebook Chat

For guys who are ignorant about how to block someone in Facebook Chat, without blocking the person's access to your profile, read down this informative post.

1. Go to Account menu on right top -> Edit Friends -> All Connections

2. Create a new List. Give it an intuitive name like 'Blocked in Chat' or 'Chat Blocked' or anything else...

3. Now add the people to this list, who you wish to block in chat.

4. Go open the Facebook Chat icon in bottom right. Now just click the green dot against the list 'Blocked in Chat'. This way you appear offline to only those people you don't want to chat with. Note that you appear online to other people.

5. People blocked in chat can still have access to your profile, without feeling offended.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wine - 2007 Rosemount Shiraz

Check out the bottle of 2007 Rosemount Australian Shiraz from Astor Wines & Spirits.

The wine description by the retailer is as follows :
"Smooth yet spicy, sophisticated but earthy, this bright new wine has all the characteristics you'd expect from Rosemount--and at a great price too! Enjoy it with simple, flavorful meat, chicken or pasta dishes".

399 Lafayette St
(between 4th St & Astor Pl)
New York, NY 10003
(212) 674-7500


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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tunatic:"Shazam" for PC and Mac

Ever wondered if there was any program for PC or Mac like the iPhone's Shazam app. Well there is indeed one such software. Check out the Tunatic program, with which you can identify and tag unknown songs.

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